Get the most out of your OMMU Registry account

The OMMU registry has very important information that patient sometimes don’t know they have access. Find out when your last order and your 7-month recommendation expires.

The Office of Medical Marijuana has a user registry through which patients can complete their card application process and pay the state $75 yearly fee. This online registry has very important information that patient sometimes don’t know they have access to like:

  • Apply for your card (usually done at the appointment)
  • Renew your card (45 days before it expires)
  • Check and edit your profile information
  • Check your orders, routes and milligrams left
  • Find out when your last order and your 7-month recommendation expires

To log into your registry Click here! Your user name is your email address

Don’t remember your password Click here! and follow the instrcutions.

Once inside your registry you can click: YOUR PROFILE to see your demographic information. Also information about your orders and milligrams. Click YOUR CARD to apply or renew your OMMU card electronically.

Your profile

Here you can see the status of all your orders. Also the different routes, milligrams and ending date of all your orders. If the order is open, its under the current 70-day period. It can also be expired or scheduled.

Use the “END DATE” of your last order to find out when your 7-month recommendation expires (You might need to go to the last page to find to find your last order).

If the END DATE of your last order is coming up soon or already passed you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Your Card

Your card is good for 1 year from the date issued. It has an expiration date on the right lower side. You should start the renewal process 45 days before that expiration date (printed on the card) to avoid any gaps in treatment as it may take the OMMU several weeks to send you a new one.

Log into your registry, click on YOUR CARD, then MANAGE CARD and follow the instructions. You will have to take a picture of your drivers license or state issued ID and pay a $75 fee +tax. If you have any questions about how to renew your card call the OMMU at 800-808-9580.

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